Sunday, February 24, 2008

Attorney Joe Dadich Shows You How To Protect Your Assets!

Attorney Joseph Dadich started making web commercials out of necessity. He wanted to find a way to get his marketing messages out to the public. Like most businesses he didn't want to throw a whole lot of money on typical advertising including pay per click, full page advertising and radio and television.

This radical approach took on a whole new life for his business. It brought on a whole new level of visibility. The big lesson here is that not every video directory out there is going to accept commercials. In fact, a lot of video directories go for the amateurish gross out America's Funniest Videos type of format. But there is a way around it.....

If you come from the unique approach where you are looking to educate or teach your audience it becomes easier to get listed. You can also create convincing information in a series. Since video diretories only let you upload 10 minutes at a time you can easily spread out a mini-series.

You can see the rest of Asset Protection Attorney Joseph Dadich here...

Posted by Ted Cantu on Sunday Feb 24, 2008 at 10:44 PM - you can find us at:

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