Friday, February 15, 2008

Rock The Web

If you know anything about marketing, (tsk tsk, and its obvious many of you do not) will know that nothing is entirely free -- especially good marketing. Why do you think Dan Kennedy programs are $2,500 +? Brett McFall is not cheap either. Ever try to learn everything you can about copywriting and find out later you have to hire a consultant or get into someones bootcamp? You buy their experience and to cut down your learning curve.

The rule of thumb is to give out SOME information but not all of it. You want to have some sort of lead capture on your pages. They get the good stuff after they commit to corresponding with you in some form, (either getting on your mailing list or buying a product or service)."


This article needs to be read in its entirety - seriously. If you are out in the field and working with clients then this should make some sense to you. If you work for a company and are holed up in some office cube or, God forbid, in the basement or water heater closet you no doubt have a different experience.

But as an entrepreneur you will run into many situations. I found that a lot of companies who complain about Michigan's bad economy are the same companies who market themselves poorly and do a lot of expected things that do not work, (door hangers, Val Pack, Yellow Pages etc.). Take this with a grain of salt. There are some excellent keypoints on here to consider.

Ted Cantu, posted this on Feb 15, 2008 at 8:20 AM

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